Home | idu Budgeting Forecasting and Reporting Solutions


Simple, fast, agile and award-winning Corporate Performance Management created by accountants but easily understood by non-financial managers.

Enable your business by creating a culture of ownership with IDU. Start at grass-roots level by building an inclusive vision of where your business should be and what it needs to get there. Timely and accurate financial information delivered at the level of individual departments in a format that makes sense to non-financial managers is an effective tool that provides a sense of ownership and ultimately some true accountability.

With IDU Budgeting, Reporting, Forecasting and Analytics non-financial managers are empowered to propose their own budgets, manage and adjust those budgets in real time, respond efficiently and effectively to changing conditions both within the organisation and in the marketplace.

IDU Budgeting and Forecasting

  • Automates and shortens your budget process from months to weeks.
  • Seamlessly integrates with existing ERP systems.
  • Empowers non-financial managers with easy-to-use budgeting and forecasting tools.
  • Holds cost centre managers accountable for their budgeting and spending.
  • Improves financial transparency across your organisation.
  • Liberates your finance team to focus less on administration and more on strategy.

IDU Reporting and Analytics

  • Real-time online access to information in a format that is easy to use and understand by both financial and non-financial managers.
  • The drill-down system allows users to access data from the highest level down to individual cost centres.
  • Built-in analytics capabilities.

Asset Management

  • Facilitate and streamline the monitoring, verification and management of fixed assets.
  • Accommodate multiple companies, asset books, cost centre and asset hierarchies.
  • Interface directly with the fixed asset register to keep financial records up to date, and integrate with other modules to enhance performance management procedures.

Our Platforms

  • Available as on premise or as a SaaS solution.
  • Agile, scalable and efficient.
  • Seamless data integration.
  • Reduced IT costs.
  • Access to automatic updates.
  • Access to critical business information anywhere, anytime.

  • RAHS

    "IDU has interfaced directly with our job costing software and has provided access to our staff who have now taken ownership of their budgets. The ability to drill down to the financial entries has given a visibility to the actual versus budget results that has been well received by staff at all levels."
    - Financial Officer

  • Old Mutual

    "Receiving figures and consolidations in real time means cost centre managers spend more time looking at numbers that are relevant, and less time trying to manage the process and consolidate figures. IDU is simple and easy to use, even for non-financially astute users."
    - Senior FInancial Manager

  • Cape Consumers

    “I have never encountered another service provider who instils such confidence in the understanding, knowledge and skill of every member of their team,” says Stephenson.
    "I knew at every step that I would get the same impeccable service no matter who I spoke to – and the fact that I had access to anybody and everybody across all departments of the IDU business only strengthened that confidence."
    - CIO

  • Chiefs Rugby

    "I’ve been very impressed at how IDU has not only made our whole budgeting process much simpler and speedier, but also meant that our management team have a real understanding of their budgets and take proper ownership of their financial performance on an on-going basis."
    - CEO


    Before IDU budgets were done on an Excel Spreadsheet. "With 4 Companies, multiple divisions and about 9 branches, it was a constant nightmare to keep everything in sync. Spreadsheet were sent to branch managers to modify. These spreadsheets were then sent back for finance to incorporate it into the main spreadsheet, Sometimes there were multiple versions of the spreadsheets and just maintaining the main spreadsheet was a challenge." - CIO

